Family Court Reform

Children’s Mental Health

We are looking for adults who were alienated from a parent as a child and how it affected you and continues to affect your life to find participants for our upcoming podcast: The Unfiltered Perspective

How to Co-parent: The way you co-parent will have an impact on your childWe are featuring the book, How to Co-parent: The way you co-parent will have an impact on your child, which explores how the attitudes and cooperation between parents significantly affect their child. The book also highlights the challenges children face due to restrictive gatekeeping, parental alienation, and the ways in which current laws incentivize these issues within the court system.

Our Mission Statement

We stand for children’s rights, family reform through research, advocacy and congressional initiatives to seek justice for all. Servicemembers & Veterans for Children’s rights is an organization founded in 2021, and is devoted to passionately advocating, supporting, and helping Servicemembers, Veterans and children.

Our purpose is to focus on legislative issues relating to family issues, Servicemembers Rights, and Disabled Veterans Rights protected under the Americans with Disability Act.

Take the Challenge. Post a Selfie With #ItsNotACivilMatter Sign

Join our campaign. Since custodial interference is family violence, we are bringing attention to the issue by asking followers to share a photo of themselves holding up a sign that reads, #itsnotacivilmatter.

Refusing to return a child to the other parent for their court-ordered parenting time is Custodial Interference.

Annually, this crime impacts thousands of families. We desperately need your help, as the Criminal Justice System, responsible for enforcing laws and protecting the public. Reporting this crime is not a civil matter and our children need protection. Please join us to lend your support, ask the elected officials to implement the necessary training, create appropriate policy and enforce the law of custodial interference.

Each of the United States has a felony penal code for custodial yet it is rarely enforced due to lack of awareness, training, or education. The number one response when law enforcement denies helping parents is, "it's a civil matter."

Our campaign just kicked off but we could use all the help that we can get to draw attention to our movement. We hope to encourage parents to make that connection between custodial interference and parental alienation and step up their efforts to protect our children from psychological abuse.

We are collecting and sharing your photos. It's simple - make a sign, snap a selfie, share it and tag us. That's it!
Creativity is all you. View Our Project Page

Email us your photo at

Enforce Custody Interference in Texas

22 million parents can’t see their children as a result of parental separation or divorce. In the San Antonio area alone, 1,000 children are denied access to their other parent as a result of interference with child custody.

Custodial interference occurs when a parent violates a court-ordered custody agreement by denying the other parent their court-ordered parenting time or visitation rights.



CUSTODY ORDER. A municipality or county in this state may adopt an
ordinance or order that imposes a civil penalty of not more than
$500 for engaging in conduct described by Section 25.03, Penal

Learn more on how Custodial Interference has a significant impact on the well-being of children and families.

Thank you for your service. 

Family Issues Blog Posts

Parental Kidnapping News Stories